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You can listen to it here.He says his speech was about "pride and patriotism" in British firms.Q: Where you talking about giving state cash to firms?Miliband says it could involve this, but it's not simply about cash. The Labour government used state help to support the car industry during the recession, he says.11.30am: The Radio 5 Live link to Miliband's radio car has gone down. Now listeners are talking about Miliband. If he comes back, I'll cover it.11.35am: Ed Miliband is back. In the meantime, Charles from Wakefield said Miliband had no gravitas. Miliband says at PMQs he has been asking the questions that matter to people.Q: But I don't think people take you seriously? You are not going to be prime minister. In prison,when the guards are going to cuff you,they will say,"Don¡¯t buck." It means: "Don¡¯t resist,don¡¯t fight against us,because you¡¯re not going to win."If Armstrong is sharp,he won¡¯t buck. He¡¯ll have his lawyer step to the feds and negotiate with them to find a low-level felony he can cop to,and then negotiate a guilty plea to "all known and unknown crimes." In this way,prosecutors can¡¯t keep coming back at him every time they roll over another rock in his life and something ugly crawls out from under it.Yes,this might mean admitting to whatever the feds want to charge him with,but really,what difference does it make? It¡¯s like being a little bit pregnant¡ªeither you¡¯re a felon or you¡¯re not. " While some Nurse Jackie fans and critics were campaigning for Wever to receive Emmy recognition from the get-go,it took until after Season 4 for the actress to land a nomination. But Emmy's initial cold shoulder didn't bother her: "I got the Untitled Edie Falco Project [the show's working title before it became Nurse Jackie],I didn't need much else." Still,when she was finally nominated last summer,"it was a really big surprise," says Wever. "I didn't know they were coming out that morning. And this year,it was a really nice thing. But it's intimidating and scary." Especially when it comes to attending the ceremony. "The whole problem is the dress and the hoopla," she says. "That was unpleasant for me. ?That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. ?There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. ?That happens often.And I don't want to exaggerate this,but those sets of experiences inform how the African American community interprets what happened one night in Florida. ?And it¡¯s inescapable for people to bring those experiences to bear. ?The African American community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws -- everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws. That¡¯s where the loopholes start. You can¡¯t verify their information." (Police have not released any information on Ortega¡¯s immigration status.)Parry acknowledged that the Krim tragedy has provoked anxiety among parents. "Our industry will come under more scrutiny." But he notes that such incidents are truly rare and that most nannies are loving caregivers. After all,he said,"it¡¯s not like every cop is a cannibal."South Africa's Sad Slide into Corruption President of South Africa Jacob Zuma looks on during the opening plenary,called Leaders Dialogue on Climate Change,of the seventh annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) at the Sheraton New York Hotel on September 20,2011 in New York City. Accusations of arms hoarding,meanwhile,are commonplace¡ªwith rebel groups suspecting each other of stockpiling weapons for what they call "the day after," possibly to be used on one another if Assad falls. Some rebel groups "are using the revolution so that in the day after,when they topple the regime,they can be powerful," says Safi al-Safi,a rebel commander in Hama. "There is something they say a lot here in Syria: that after toppling the regime,the real fight will begin."Daba'a,the Latakia commander,ticks off several powerful rebel groups that have drawn his suspicion. "You don't know what they want and what their agenda is," he says. "If the United States knew about this,they would never give us weapons.